Card Sorting & User Testing

Card Sorting

Cards & Categories

Card sorting is a user research technique used in web design to help designers and developers understand how users group and categorize information. It involves asking users to sort various pieces of content or information into groups that make sense to them

Card Sorting results

The results of the Card Sorting exercise show that the majority of the participants put the card in their appropriate category but some participants may have made careless errors and did not full read the cards but were able to use logic and deductive reasoning for the most part.

Netflix Black’s cards in their appropriate categories

Even though there is no right and wrong to this exercise; the goal was to see if user could come close to matching the image below which illustrates the structure used to create Netflix Black’s lo-fi and hi-fi.

User Testing – Script

User Testing – Tasks

Task 1

Change your show/movie content display to: “continue watching” in settings

Task 2

Preview “YOU” the series and go to the an actors  Instagram account

Task 3

Preview Breaking Bad and go to the shows FaceBook account


Participant 1 went through process seamlessly and completed everything 

Participants 2  thought they could click on continue watching, or drag and move 

Participants 3 thought instagram on the main show page was for an actor (didn’t know they had to click actor person)

But then understood when they were asked to go to the shows social media

Participant 4 didnt know whether or not to click on instagram for the show or to click on the person, didn’t know where settings are

User Testing lo-fi analysis

User testing was tested on two individuals who were in their early 20s and avid users of Netflix, social media, and other streaming platforms. Despite the participants coming from similar backgrounds they demonstrate different results as shown below.

User Testing – Videos